Diary industry

Dairy processing is growing rapidly to satisfy the rising appetite for milk products and milk itself. At Dana process systems, we are proud of gaining years of experience and vast knowledge on how to process one of the most versatile and important foods in the world.

Dana process systems - diary industry

1. Worldwide expertise

We thrive in building facilities on large-scale that dairy industries can use to meet the demands of the products they produce and keep up with upcoming trends. Besides designing, we also engineer and supply full plants, equipment for treating milk, equipment for manufacturing milk, filling and packaging milk products such as yoghurt, cheese, and others. our dairy processing technology is designed to meet food safety, strict hygiene and quality standards while working efficiently and sustainably.

2. Solutions

We offer services and products for producers and processors on all major industrial units. Through our engineers and innovations, we aim to develop solutions that improve our customer's efficiency, improving people's lives.

3. Customer satisfaction

Producing new dairy products is a costly and time-consuming process for a majority of customers. We understand this and that is why we constructed test plants that our customers can use to test their products before producing them.